I have practiced law for forty years in Dallas in civil litigation (appeals) and insurance coverage. That extensive experience provides both focus and efficiency.
Experience Counts
I was first board certified in Civil Appeals in 1987 in the first group of Texas attorneys so certified. I limit my appellate work to just a few major cases each year to make sure that each appeal receives my personal attention. For a sampling of my appellate experience, click on the link ‘Civil Appeals.”
Insurance Coverage
“Yo hablo insurance.” Insurance coverage is controlled by its own unique terms, such as “sue and labor clauses,” “sistership exclusions” or the “your work exception to the impaired property exclusion.” I “speak insurance” to insurance companies and often show them how they owe coverage.
Consultations are Free. However, I rarely answer phone calls from unknown sources. Contact me by sending a text with the term "New Legal Matter to (214) 543-6827.
Consultations & Case Assessments